Keeping Applications Updated

Maintaining up-to-date applications is crucial for security, performance, and accessing the latest features. RepoCloud simplifies this process with a one-click update system that allows you to easily keep your applications current while preserving your data and configurations.

Regular updates are essential for maintaining the security, performance, and functionality of your applications. RepoCloud’s one-click update system makes this process simple and reliable.

RepoCloud’s Update Philosophy

RepoCloud maintains a repository of application templates that are regularly updated to include the latest stable versions of all applications in our marketplace. Our approach to updates prioritizes:


Security patches and fixes are prioritized in our update workflow


We deploy stable, tested versions rather than bleeding-edge releases

Data Preservation

Updates are designed to preserve existing data and configurations


The update process is user-friendly and requires minimal effort

The “Rebuild” Feature

The primary method for updating your applications on RepoCloud is through the “Rebuild” feature, which allows you to update your application to the latest version with a single click.

How Rebuilding Works


Initiate Rebuild

RepoCloud rebuilds your application’s Docker image with the latest version


Preserve Data

Your application data stored in persistent volumes is preserved


Apply Configuration

Your custom configurations and environment variables are maintained


Restart Application

The application restarts with the updated image

The rebuild process typically takes just a few minutes, with minimal downtime during the restart.

Performing an Update

Updating your application is straightforward:


Access Instance Management

Navigate to your application’s management page in the RepoCloud dashboard


Check Current Version

View the current version information displayed in the “Overview” section


Initiate Rebuild

Click the “Rebuild” button to start the update process


Confirm Action

Confirm the rebuild when prompted


Monitor Progress

A progress indicator will show the status of the update

Update Frequency

RepoCloud regularly updates application templates, but the frequency varies depending on the application:

  • Critical Security Updates: Applied as soon as they’re available
  • Major Version Updates: Typically within 1-2 weeks of stable release
  • Minor Updates: Incorporated into our templates on a regular schedule

While the rebuild process is designed to be safe, it’s always good practice to create a backup of critical data before performing any update.

What Gets Updated

When you rebuild an application, the following components are updated:

  • Application Code: The core application is updated to the latest stable version
  • Dependencies: Associated libraries and dependencies are updated
  • Base System: The underlying container system may be updated for security and performance
  • Configuration: Default configurations may be updated to reflect best practices

The following elements are preserved during updates:

  • User Data: All user-generated content and database information
  • Custom Configurations: Your environment variables and custom settings
  • Domains: Any custom domains and SSL certificates remain configured
  • User Accounts: Application user accounts and permissions

Major Version Updates

Sometimes, applications undergo significant changes between major versions that require special attention:

For applications with extensive customizations or critical business functions, consider testing the update in a separate instance before updating your production environment.

Troubleshooting Updates

If you encounter issues during or after an update:

Next Steps